Modular design for flexible & easy cooling tower maintenance
Fine particles are one of the largest contributors to fouling. Typically over 90% of the suspended solids in a cooling tower are under 5 microns causing many issues for building owners. NuStream Cooling Tower Filters remove more than 99% of suspended solids all the way down to <1 micron.
Our cooling tower systems have a modular design. That means you can tack on add-ons and fit it through doorways, all at a competitive price point. Further, a common misconception of having one large unit is that it’ll be less to inspect and maintain. But in reality, the modular design makes it easy to maintain. Whether you need cooling tower solutions for your hospital, school, or industrial facility, our specialized heat exchanger reduces water temperatures efficiently.
NuStream’s cooling towers are:
- Technologically advanced. You won’t find professional-grade high-efficiency water cooling towers at a better price point.
- Designed with the end-user in mind. The modular design allows for future expansion without having to purchase new equipment and is easy to maintain.
- Heavy-duty. Small, easy, and modular doesn’t mean flimsy. We build all our components to last.


CT70 Cooling Tower Filter
Service Flow Rate of 70 gallons per minute:
- Modular design
- Non-corrosive design
- Ease of installation/operation
- Backwash options
- Sub-micron Filtration

CT30 Cooling Tower Filter
Service Flow Rate of 30 gallons per minute:
- Modular design
- Non-corrosive design
- Ease of installation/operation
- Backwash options
- Sub-micron Filtration
CT Filter Sizing
Tower Tonnage x 3 x 2% = Flow Rate Required
Divide Flow Rate required by 30 for CT30 systems and 70 for CT70 systems for number of systems required for proper side stream filtration.
Link to Department of Energy on side stream filtration:
How Dirty is your Tower?
The two cooling tower filters we installed in Bakersfield, California went in really well. In my twelve years of walking jobs and looking at cooling towers, this was by far the worst and dirtiest tower basins I had ever seen. After only one week of operation of the NuStream CT filters, the water was clear and our customer saw his basin floor for the first time. The NuStream Filters are the BEST I have ever worked with and I have worked with many filtration systems. I strongly endorse this product and look forward to many years of continued partnership.
- R. Broughton / Dynamic Water Technologies
Be awed by the mod.
See the difference in our highly-efficient modular design today.
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